Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bristol Snow - Frostie the Snowman uses Apple

Bristol has just returned to normal after what must be the longest period of snow-cover for the best part of 30 years. My road, which runs east-west and has tall houses on the southern side, had a good covering of snow before Christmas and didn't clear before the post-Christmas snow arrived a week and-a-bit ago. Last weekend Bristol really was a winter wonderland with all sorts of un-Bristolian things happening. There were people kite-skiing and -boarding on The Downs, and on the Ashton Court singletrack mountain-bike trail I was faced with the unusual hazard of cross-country skiers.

Of course the snow brings out the sculptors. I saw any number of snowmen but I missed this one, found near in Bristol University. A little bit of image enhancement shows that Frostie is using a MacBook - I'm not sure that Steve would be impressed by the headphones though.

Thanks to Trevor Parsons/Alana Cowan for the use of the photo.

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